W. Clay Adamson Landscaping Endowment

Endowment Fund #: 7001-P | Expendable Fund #: 7001-T | Type: Award | Area: Administration | Department: Facilities

The Clay Adamson Employee of the Year Award is meant to be a very prestigious program to recognize meritorious job performance during the last year by Facilities Management Division Employees. Only full time MCG employees involved in facilities and physical plant support work for the campus are eligible for this award, excluding senior management, department head positions, contractors and Facilities employees who are presently serving on a panel or committee reviewing nominations for the Clay Adamson Employee of the Year award. All campus employees have the opportunity to nominate a candidate. The nominated employee’s department manager may enhance and will validate each nomination with the assistance of their department panel and/or FMD Recognition Subcommittee.
The campus Employee Advisory and Facilities Management Division Committees will administer this employee recognition program.
Finalists for the Clay Adamson Employee of the Year award will be officially recognized. The employee will receive a plaque or sculpture, have his/her name added to the recognition plaque in the Walter Clay Adamson, Sr Conference Room and be awarded $1,500 (after tax amount). The monetary award will be set as a relatively consistent and appreciable value but may increase over time with accrual and additional contributions to this MCG Foundation account. The President will present the award at the MCG Annual Employee and Faculty Service Recognition Ceremony  Donate Now >